Date and Place

6:00 - 9:00 pm

Downtown Orillia Night Market

Downtown Orillia’s Night Market

Come join us at this fun Night Market in Downtown Orillia! The Night Market is a great way to kick off the Downtown Summer Block Party beginning the next day on Saturday, July 27!

Enjoy the ambiance, watch the sunset and listen to the sound of great music on the street. Grab a treat from your favourite vendor or artisan, get your produce for the weekend, meet up with friends and enjoy the atmosphere.

Meet us on the street in the Orillia Library and Opera House block between West and Andrew Street from 6 pm – 9 pm on Friday, July 26! 

If you are an artist, artisan, antique collector, farmer or food vendor, we would love to have you at our Night Market. Complete and return the Night Market Vendor Form 2019 along with the $35 fee and we will reserve your spot on the street.

For more information please contact the office at or by phone at 705-325-3261.